About Us

Friends of Nightingale

Our Mission 

Our PTA raises funds to benefit both the school and its students. We do this by holding events to help purchase equipment, pay for improvements around the school and buy extra items which are not already provided for by the school’s budget.

Previously we have contributed towards school storage sheds and stage lights.

We also helped fund the friendship benches, which was an idea brought to life by the pupils of Nightingale. The PTA also make an annual contribution towards the year 6 leaver hoodies and host their leaving party.
Our PTA is registered with Classlists, which is an easy to use social media app that has been designed especially with PTAs, schools and parents/carers in mind. The App allows us to share events and updates easily with you and is only for the parents, carers and guardians of Nightingale.

Tickets and info for our events will be available to view and purchase through Classlist.  Please click on the following link to sign up Classlist Page Link

We have a public Facebook page (  PTA Facebook Page Link ) to help spread the word of any events we hold which are open to the wider community and other fundraising projects.

We are also part of Easyfundraising, where companies give a donation to the school when you shop with them through the following link:- https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/nightingale-primary-school-eastleigh/ , there is no cost to you and it is easy to use

You can contact the PTA through Facebook, Classlist or email us at NightingalePTA@outlook.com

Joining the PTA

We are always on the lookout for new members/volunteers to join our small, friendly team, and we offer a no pressure or commitment approach.
Meetings are informal and held on the first Wednesday of every month at 2:00pm, until 3:30pm, with children welcome.

If you think you would like to be involved please come along and join us at a meeting (simply pop into the school reception and they will let you know where to find us) or alternatively drop us an email NightingalePTA@outlook.com

Chair of the PTA – Laura Spurrier 
Secutary of the  – Nicky Lambourne
Treasurer of the – Marysia Nobel