About Us


Our Governing Body plays a crucial, strategic and supporting role. They are instrumental in working with the Headteacher and school staff to make the school the best it can be.  We are lucky to have such a dedicated team of volunteers who offer their time and expertise freely and enthusiastically.   

The school is fortunate in having governors drawn from a wide range of professional skills, including business, education and finance and some members are parents of current pupils. 

Like the school itself, the Governing Body wishes at all times to be transparent and approachable, and can be contacted via the school office or by email. It welcomes all views. 

The purpose of a School’s Governing body is to provide confident, strategic leadership and to create robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational and financial performance.

The three core functions of our Governing body at Nightingale Primary School are: 

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction 
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff 
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent  

See how our school spends its money – Nightingale’s Financial Benchmarking

Nightingale Primary School

Governor Details


Name Category Appointed by Term of Office
(no. of years & end date)
Committee membership Responsibilities Voting Rights
(if Associate Member)
Mollie Anderson  Co-opted GB 4 19/09/27      


Hannah Beckett


Headteacher Ex officio N/A Resources    


Alex Bourne




(Original appointment 27/11/18)



Vice Chair of Govonors

Chair of HTPMC



Christin Mason


Parent Parents 4 05/06/26



Chair of Resources

H&S Link Governor

Staff Staff 4 27/03/27      
Stephanie Stanley Co-opted GB 4 27/03/27 Pay Committee    


Bob West


Co-opted GB 4


(original appointment 13/05/20)


Pay Committee

Chair of Governors

Pupil Premium Link Governor

Development & Training Governor

Eleni Zopounidou Co-Opted GB 4 27/03/27 Resources    
David Tully Co-Opted GB 4 10/07/27 Pay Committee Safeguarding Link Governor  


Katie Gould


Clerk     N/A      
Resigned in last 12 months              
Adam Clark Parent Parents 4 Resigned 06/09/24 Safeguarding  Safeguarding link Governor  

The Resources committee deals with all HR, finance and Buildings & Grounds matters. It is a sub-committee of the Governing Body. Matters of Standards & Curriculum are discussed within the Full Governing Body meetings. 

There is also an additional committee which reviews the Headteacher’s performance. 

Working groups or additional committees are set up occasionally to review specific areas, as and when required. 

Meet our Governors

The Governing Body is committed to making a positive contribution to the school and the education of our children. Our primary role is to support, challenge and monitor by working in partnership with Mrs Beckett and the leadership team to promote continuous improvement in the school’s performance and its future development. The Governing Body had a strategic role in shaping the future as well as wide ranging statutory responsibilities.

We are all volunteers and have a wide range of significant experience and skills – we have representation from staff, parents, the local authority and the community. We meet once every half term as well as make planned visits into school so that we are fully informed about all aspects.

We are determined to do the best for the school, we welcome all views and can be contacted through the school office.

Bob West – Chair of Governors

I have been a governor for many years at various schools in the Eastleigh area as I believe governance has an important role to play in enabling the pupils in our local community have the best possible education they can get. For me this is not only includes helping them achieve excellent results but it is also about  providing them with those wow moments in their time at school, that will give them a love of learning and an enquiring mind. If we can do this we will set them up for the next stage in their education and prepare them to be a success in later life.

I hope the experience I have gained over the years as a governor will enable me to play my part in helping the school to fulfil its vision in producing pupils who will make a positive contribution to the communities in which they live and achieve their personal goals.

Hannah Beckett

Headteacher and Governor by ex-officio. I have always worked in primary education and loved every minute of it. I became a Governor at two of my previous schools and soon after, got a feel for strategic leadership and the financial oversight of a school. Now in my second headship, I am excited to take on the adventure of Nightingale’s Headteacher.  I pride myself in demonstrating optimistic personal behaviour, positive relationships and attitudes towards children and staff, and towards parents, governors and members of the local community. I look forward to working with you all.

Alex Bourne

I have previously served as a parent governor, now I am the Local Authority Governor. I am a Local Eastleigh Borough Councillor for Eastleigh South – the constituency in which Nightingale Primary School resides.  I have 2 boys – one now at Barton Pevril who attended Nightingale when we moved to Eastleigh and my youngest is in year 3.  My boys and I love watching Saints and Eastleigh Football teams, and Hampshire cricket.

I first became a Governor when a plea to parents was issued. I couldn’t just sit back and not rise to the call to action.

I serve on the Finance committee and have recently taken on the task of being the Safeguarding Governor.

I am very proud to be a Governor of such a great school.

Christin Mason

I am delighted to join Nightingale Primary School as a parent governor and I am aiming to develop a positive relationship with the leadership team as well as the pupils by being an engaged and active governor. We moved to Eastleigh in 2019 and live next door to the school. Our youngest daughter joined Year R in September the same year.

I work as a marine archaeologist and, while I wish more of my time was spent underwater investigating shipwrecks and past landscapes, a great deal of my job includes management of large scale projects, staff and budgets, and knowledge sharing, all of which I will draw on when undertaking my governor duties for Nightingale Primary School.


I have joined the governing body in Nightingale Primary School in Eastleigh as co-opted governor in March 2023. My daughter is a pupil at Nightingale, I had the opportunity to witness the continuous pursue of quality in education by the school leaders.
The main drive for my decision to volunteer in this role, was my belief that schools have the ability to help the pupils fulfill their potential and become the best version of themselves, under a well-designed strategic direction and with the right supporters .
I work as Paediatric Ophthalmologist in the Southampton General Hospital and have the opportunity to look after children from birth to adolescence. I work closely with the wider neonatal and paediatric team and I am actively involved in safeguarding and support of families and children with complex needs.
I hope to contribute positively to the strategic direction and vision of our school as part of its governing body.

David Tully

I am a co-opted governor, with my main link to the local community being that I have worked at Crestwood Community School as a French and Spanish teacher for just over 6 years. Nightingale is one of Crestwood’s major feeder schools and over the years I have taught many children who have been lucky enough to have passed through Nightingale and benefited from the care of its dedicated staff. I am also a Year Leader and have experience with transition, safeguarding, attendance and pastoral care in an educational context. In previous roles prior to becoming a teacher, I was involved in recruitment, performance management and other HR matters.
This is my first appointment as a school governor, but I am looking forward to learning more about the strategic leadership of the school and supporting its ongoing success.

Hayley Sharp

I am privileged to have been a member of Nightingale’s school community since my youngest daughter, now 26, started at the school in September 2001.  During that time, I have served as a parent governor for approximately 2 years and volunteered in school on a regular basis, listening to children read and delivering some interventions.  In January 2008, I was lucky to be able to join the staffing team and have worked here ever since. I am looking forward to this new experience of working with the governing body as a staff governor.

Mollie Anderson

I have been a teacher at Nightingale for 7 years and I am currently leading the Young Governors as part of my role in school. Now an experienced teacher, I feel I am at the stage where I am able to offer robust accountability in holding leaders to account whilst ensuring that the decision made at a strategic level are vision and ethos led.  I have keen interests in school evaluation and ensuring the money the school receives is well spent. I have previously led British Values and feel that my knowledge and understanding of this would complement the board. I am passionate about contributing towards positive change in the education system and the wider world.


Stephanie Stanley

Having worked in social housing for twenty years I am passionate about communities and particularly how to create opportunities for all, no matter what their background. The role of school governor is one I am keen to be involved in. I have a range of experience in leading staff, budgets and projects, along with a focus on partnership working and utilising these resources were needed to make a greater impact. By holding the position of Nightingale Primary School Governor I aim to bring a positive strategic oversight of the schools outcomes to drive forward greater achievements.

Andy Jenks

I became a member of the nightingale community 3 years ago, when my son joined the school in year 1. Recently I have enjoyed helping the Friends of Nightingale PTA at various events.
Having been a retail manager for over 15 years, I have a wealth of skills & Experience that I will be able to bring to my role as a Governor.
In my spare time I also enjoy volunteering for St John Ambulance as a Training Development officer.
I am looking forward in joining the team and working with you all at Nightingale School.


There is always the possibility of a Governor Role becoming available. We are always looking for people (either parents or members of the community) who have a real interest in primary education and a desire to help Nightingale on its journey to becoming an exceptional school. 

A background in education is not necessary but good people skills, a willingness to learn, attend meetings and training, are essential to the role. 

It would be an advantage if you had some skills in leadership, management, finance, strategic planning, and human resources to improve the educational opportunities for our children. 

Being a governor is an extremely important and rewarding voluntary role, providing an opportunity for you to give something back to your local community. The time commitment is about 6 hours per month to attend full governing body and committee meetings plus time to undertake planned visits to see the school at work. 

Full training and support is available to support the role. 

Contact our Chair of Governors if you would like to know more.



Name of Business


  • governor elsewhere (please include school name)
  • related / married to member of staff (please include staff name)
  • employed at school
Nature of Business Nature of Interest Date of Appointment or Acquisition Date of Cessation of Interest Date of Entry


Bob West


Nil         Oct 24
Hannah Beckett Nightingale Primary School – Headteacher





April 2020


  Oct 24


Alex Bourne


Eastleigh Borough Council   Borough Councillor May 2018   Sept 2023
Christin Mason Nil         Oct 24
Hayley Sharp Nightingale Primary School Staff   Employee     Oct 24
Stephanie Stanley Nil         Oct 24
Bob West Nil         Oct 24
Eleni Zopounidou Nil         Oct 24
David Tully Nil         Oct 24
Katie Gould Employed by Hampshire Governor Services     01/12/12  

Sept 24

 Governors resigned in last 12 months
Adam Clark Nil Resigned 06/09/24       July 2023