

At Nightingale Primary School, we deliver an Art and Design curriculum which inspires, engages and challenges all pupils to generate their own creative and imaginative works of art, craft and design.

When being artists at Nightingale Primary School, children will experience art in seven mediums therefore increasing their ability to explore and record ideas in a variety of ways.

Throughout their time with us, children will develop their own level of mastery of key skills, giving them opportunities to be resilient, curious and to self-improve, all whilst fostering a creative outlet.

The teaching of Art encourages children to develop their technical proficiency. Within our curriculum and within artist studies, children explore famous artists, craftspeople and designers and learn to
develop their own appreciations of artwork thinking critically and imaginatively, forming their own responses of art from different time and cultures.

In each learning journey, they will know how to talk about the materials they have used and relate this to the work of the artist. They will develop the language of art and design in order to be able to describe,
think deeply and evaluate and analyse their own work and that of other artists. They will experiment and investigate skills by using different media and will have opportunities to be able to refine and develop their
artwork. They will also show respect when discussing their own and other’s work.

Our intent is that by the time children leave Nightingale, they will leave with the knowledge, skills and a collection of art work that they will cherish and look back proudly on.