

At Nightingale, our aim is to deliver a high – quality computing curriculum that equips pupils to use computational thinking to understand the world they live in and prepare them to thrive within a technology dominated world.

Our computing curriculum is delivered by specialist teachers from Computer Xplorers whose lessons increasingly prepare children to become digitally literate throughout their time at Nightingale. They will be able to use information and communication technology at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

During their lessons at Nightingale, the children will develop their creativity and be equipped with the knowledge which will allow them to be responsible digital users. Computing skills are interweaved into other areas of the curriculum by class teachers who further expose children to the basic fundamental Computing skills.

E-Safety is an essential part of keeping children safe. E-safety is at the heart of the computing curriculum and is a part of every lesson ensuring that children are equipped with strategies that enable them to make confident and safe judgements about their online activity at school and at home. This includes making children aware of online safety issues and how to deal with them in an appropriate manner.

By the time children leave Nightingale they will understand the importance and value of computing in their lives and will recognise that a balance between time spent on technology and away from it is healthy.