

At Nightingale Primary School, we deliver a high-quality Design and Technology curriculum which develops the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform every day tasks confidently and successfully. We will equip the children with the skills and knowledge needed to solve real and relevant problems with a user’s specific needs in mind.

At Nightingale Primary School, our whole school focus is on textiles, mechanisms and structures. Within each unit, our golden threads are: design, making, evaluating and technical knowledge. Within “design”, children will design, generate and develop purposeful, functional products for themselves and specific users. During the “making” stage, children will learn to use a variety of tools and equipment in order to see their idea into fruition. They will also choose the most suitable materials and resources for the job. As “evaluators”, the children at Nightingale will evaluate existing products, as well as their own, against the design criteria. “Technical knowledge” allows pupils to develop their understanding and use of a variety of mechanisms and structures, including how to construct these as part of a high-quality final product.

Our intent is that by the time children leave Nightingale, they will have built and be able to apply a repertoire of skills and knowledge that allow them to design and make high-quality products that solve a problem or serve a purpose.