
Nightingale Kitchen Garden

Following a survey, we found that not all children have access to a garden at home. Others do not have the opportunity to take part in gardening but would very much like to do so. Following feedback from children and staff, we agreed that an allotment area would be a fantastic resource for the children. 

Nightingale Kitchen Garden Project aims to: 

  • Create an outdoor kitchen garden for all age groups that enhances the children’s learning and result in an area they can be proud of, supporting our golden rules. 
  • To enhance and enrich the curriculum using learning outside the classroom. 
  • To encourage family members to become actively involved in the life of their local school. 
  • To run the activity on the basis of equality of membership with each member being part of the discussions and decision making process. 
  • To encourage a healthy lifestyle – in terms of healthy eating and a responsible attitude to green issues. 
  • To create an area that could potentially become part of the wider community in the future. 

Our main hurdle in putting our plan into action, was funding. With a limited budget, creating an allotment area seemed impossible. However, we wrote several applications to various organisations for help with our project and were over the moon to hear back from two wonderful companies that we had been successful in our funding requests.