

At Nightingale Primary School, we deliver a Religious Education Curriculum which focuses on the Christian, Jewish, Muslim & Hindu traditions looking at the concepts of these religions and how they may apply to the lives of our families & our local community.

Our Religious Education curriculum follows the Hampshire agreed syllabus called ‘Living Difference’. At Nightingale, we aim to promote a sense of belonging & develop the spiritual wellbeing of every child. We provide our pupils with the essential skills and knowledge they need to become respectful and tolerant of those with different faiths and beliefs. We do this by following a concept-based curriculum where our pupils will have the opportunity to respond to a variety of themes that are common to all people, shared by many religions and often distinctive to particular religions. We follow a cycle of enquiry by which we recognise and respect the pupils’ own experiences and views, allowing them to enquire, contextualise and evaluate concepts. As a school, we also encourage pupils to celebrate being special, whilst learning about all cultures and religions; showing compassion towards the beliefs of others.

Our RE curriculum reflects the diversity of our local community in Eastleigh. We are preparing our children to live in a multicultural and diverse world whilst accepting that not everyone follows a religion. Our RE teaching is an effective way to demonstrate and model to the school community how positively different religions can work together with a common set of core values to demonstrate our school values such as Respect, Courage, Compassion & Friendship