
School Day

Arriving at School 

The school gates open at 8:30am.  The main door and downstairs classrooms are then opened at 8:35am when the children make their way into their classroom independently.  Once children are in their classrooms, they are registered promptly and settle quickly into morning routines, including working on key skills, small group teaching interventions or 1:1 sessions It is therefore essential that children arrive at school on time.  Children arriving after the doors have been closed at 8:45am need to be brought to the school office and signed in.  They will be marked as “late”. Our compulsory opening times in a typical week are 32 hours and 30 minutes for EYFS/Key Stage 1 and 32 hours and 55 minutes for Key Stage 2. ​ 


Early Years Foundation Stage/Key Stage 1 

08:35  Classroom doors opened and children make their way into class 
08:45 Registration followed by session 1  
10:30  Break time 
10:45   Fruit in class while the children share a story, watch Newsround 
11:00  Lessons continue 
12:00  KS1 Lunch.  EYFS lunchtime is 11:30 – 12:45 
13:00  Registration and afternoon sessions begins 
14:15  KS1 afternoon break (this time may vary) 
15:15  School ends 


Please note, in Year R we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage, therefore the structure of the Early Years is more fluid and children have continual access to the outdoor areas – children do not have set sessions.  


Key Stage 2 

08:35  Doors are opened and children make their way into class 
08:45  Registration followed by session 1  
10:45  Break time 
11:00  Lessons continue 
12:00  Lunchtime 
13:00  Registration and afternoon sessions begins 
15:20  School ends 


Children are required to have a collective worship every day.  At Nightingale we have a whole school assembly on Mondays, a whole school singing assembly on Wednesday and Key Stage Celebration assemblies on Fridays.   Children will also take part in class and Key Stage assemblies in the week.