
Request to Administer Medication in School


If your child requires prescribed medicine during the day, please remember the following:

  • Medicines must be brought into the office by an adult. They must not be given to the child to take in or put in a book bag.
  • Before the child can be given medication, you must complete the form below detailing the medicine, the dose required, time it must be administered, how the medicine must be stored and how many days the child requires the medicine.  We will require parental signature to confirm we are able to administer medicine to your child.
  • Where possible, we will expect that medicines will be prescribed in dose frequencies which enable them to be taken outside school hours.  For example where there are three doses per day, all three should be given at home.
  • After the course of medicine has been completed, please collect the medicine from the office as we are unable to dispose of medicines.
  • Medicated sweets such as Strepsils and Lockets are not permitted in school.

Please note, we can only accept prescribed medicines if they:

    • are in date
    • are provided in the original container as dispensed by the pharmacist with the label stating who the medicine is prescribed for
    • include instructions for administration, dosage and storage.